Notes from Retail Without Borders, London, 2023: Unveiling the Future of Commerce

Deepak Anand
Deepak Anand
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I recently had the privilege of attending the 8th edition of Europe’s largest online marketplace conference and expo -  Retail Without Borders, in London. I was invited by Emma Jones to join her panel with Jennifer McCloskey, Global Government Affairs and Public Policy, from Google; Mollie Pearse, Head of Marketing EMEA, from Meta; Oliver Yonchev, CEO of Flightstory, and Lucas Perraudin from MULA Digital. We had a very insightful conversation on the intersection of AI and social commerce, and the impact and opportunities  it is having  on brands and retailers on a global scale. 

Allow me to share the key takeaways from the discussion which I hope you’ll find as useful as I did.

1. Social commerce is The Way, and that's not a cliché!

One resounding message from the panel is that social commerce has significantly permeated all aspects of our lives.. Research suggests that an average internet user today will spend half of their life online; and most of it on social media. This phenomenon extends beyond borders and holds for individuals worldwide. 

For online sellers, this marks the starting point to comprehend the correlation between social platforms and online selling. In the past, the purchase decision followed a simple, linear process: visit the nearest store, find the desired product, and make the purchase. But today, consumers engage with a wide range of social posts, reviews, videos, and blogs, leading to a complex and intricate journey before reaching the final decision to buy.

Even though the actual act of buying might happen in the physical world, it is important to understand and accept that the decision to make that purchase originated days ago in a moment of inspiration provided online. 

To sell online, therefore, is to not just have a presence on an online platform like Instagram or TikTok, but to understand how your target audience uses these platforms and to what end. 

Pro tip: Intentional, curated short-form videos remain an engaging and powerful way to connect with customers. The videos should however, be truly informative and add to the customer journey for them to have any relevant impact. 

2. Discovery commerce is the new face of value-driven social selling

While social commerce expands a brand's reach and opportunities, the true differentiator remains the value a brand provides throughout the customer journey. Today's customers grow more discerning by the day, evaluating brands on every aspect of their offerings. The ‘value’ they speak about goes beyond the product itself; it encompasses the entire experience provided to the customer, including various touchpoints, activities, and issues the customer might face while attempting to buy a product. Aspects such as refund processing, communication, or customer service are becoming critical metrics of a brand’s standing. 

Brands that prioritise value-driven social selling will undoubtedly capture the hearts and loyalty of consumers, and ‘discovery commerce’ can be the new trick of the trade. 

Discovery commerce refers to the practice of guiding customers through personalised and engaging shopping experiences, enabling them to discover products that align with their interests, preferences, and values. The central idea is to curate a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience by presenting customers with relevant products they might not have been aware of otherwise.

In a nutshell, using discovery commerce strategies allows companies to infuse ‘value’ into the daily task of internet surfing. Imagine being on your phone scrolling through Instagram, and a company you’d never heard of pops up with an interesting kitchen gadget. Maybe you'll end up buying; maybe you won’t – but you WILL remember this brand because their product spoke to your needs, and added value to your mindless Instagram adventures. 

When value-driven selling and discovery commerce are combined, brands can create a powerful synergy that resonates with today's discerning customers. Personalization plays a crucial role in both approaches, with value-driven selling seeking to understand customer needs and preferences to provide tailored solutions, while discovery commerce leverages data and customer insights to deliver personalised product recommendations.

3. AI is here to stay, changing the way we search for our next buy

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in retail was another pivotal topic we discussed. Existing research from Google demonstrates that most purchasing decisions involve extensive mobile research. Now AI in itself isn’t new. Companies have been using automated tools for data analysis and pattern recognition for a while now. What's new is the integration of AI-based solutions into the buying process. 

At a recent conference in California, developers presented over 100 AI-based solutions that build upon existing technologies like Google search and maps - all of which were customised for retail commerce. AI in e-commerce is going to be a game changer. Think about it - a decade ago people were looking for “black dresses” online. Today they want a “black dress made sustainability and locally with organic dyes”. 

The technology we use has changed the way we search, and the things we search for. A black dress is an easy Google search; the latter is a custom query which will throw up a subset of results with the relevant tags. That’s the power of AI - personalising and customising search results and learning from the buyer’s needs.

Harnessing the power of AI is essential for brands to inform their actions, invest in relevant technology, and adopt profitable business models. Brands must understand that the stories they tell customers are curated by algorithms. Therefore, feeding the correct data and content to these algorithms becomes paramount to connecting with the right consumers. 

Additionally, the emergence of generative AI in online advertising presents exciting possibilities for the e-commerce industry. Imagine receiving an AI-generated video of your favourite celebrity endorsing a new product or having your child's beloved cartoon character promote a brand. If used correctly, AI can amplify a brand’s ability to create eye-catching content and ads, and target them to the right audience at the right time; thereby directly affecting the sales funnel.

AI can also streamline editing, content generation, translation, and design, fostering productivity and creativity. As a leader in the AI landscape, the UK stands at the forefront of this transformative future. In 2022 alone, it witnessed the creation of £180 billion in new economic activity, with projections estimating this figure to reach £400 billion by 2030. Needless to say, these projections are highly dependent on how well the e-commerce community in the country adapts to the use of AI.

4. All said and done, never lose sight of the customer journey

Amidst the influx of new tools and strategies within the e-commerce space, it has become even more imperative for businesses to never lose sight of the customer journey. The road taken by a potential customer has inarguably become more complex than ever before, and yet the customer journey remains at the heart of every brand's core marketing strategy. 

Despite the fact that most buying journeys begin online, not all customers go through the same paces. It is crucial to understand the path taken by a potential buyer as they start interacting with your brand, and then plug in automation at the right steps. Mindless use of tools or platforms can break more than it fixes, and severely hamper your customer experience. This is particularly crucial when targeting customers across borders and utilising AI for geotargeting ads and content. If you haven’t yet understood their journey, you could be showing the right ad to the wrong audience, and suffer a loss in sales.

A bird’s eye view of your customer’s buying journeys can also help you recognise the need for creativity and an omnichannel approach. Let’s take the holiday season as an example. 50-80% of holiday season sales still originate from physical stores. So, brands that want to cash in on the holiday magic have to ensure they are intertwining their physical and online messaging, and targeting and retargeting the same customers for maximum effect. AI can be a friend here, and help you automate your content; but the strategic decisions are born from a holistic understanding of the audience's mindset in different regions, and seasons.

The last word…

E-commerce, by virtue of its very nature, is a domain that is intrinsically interlinked with tech changes, and AI and social commerce are the current drivers of this change. What stayed with me, long after this event was over, was this grounding belief that AI-driven social selling presents way more opportunities for sellers - both big and small - than the fearmongers would have us believe. AI is not here to take away jobs, or make online selling boring and predictive. If anything, it can help small businesses get more work done without breaking the bank, and make lives easier for enterprises that want to expand into new regions by making it easier to analyse customer journeys, behaviours and patterns. 

As almost everyone on the panel noted, the future is indeed exciting. We at SHOPLINE are grateful and privileged to be a part of the AI revolution in the e-commerce industry and to be able to support our local sellers in driving business revenue through our easy, scalable out-of-the-box solutions. The future of e-commerce is here, and we are ready for it. 

And I hope, so are you. 

Note:  Deepak Anand is the GM of SHOPLINE UK, and reflects his insights and experiences at the Retail Without Borders event in London.

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How significant will social commerce be in 2024?

The most significant trend is the increased focus on sustainability. Consumers are expected to favour brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility through eco-friendly products and sustainable business practices.

Will omni-channel retail be important in the 2024 holiday season?

The most significant trend is the increased focus on sustainability. Consumers are expected to favour brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility through eco-friendly products and sustainable business practices.

How will technology impact the 2024 holiday shopping season?

The most significant trend is the increased focus on sustainability. Consumers are expected to favour brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility through eco-friendly products and sustainable business practices.

What is the most significant trend predicted for the 2024 holiday shopping season?

The most significant trend is the increased focus on sustainability. Consumers are expected to favour brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility through eco-friendly products and sustainable business practices.

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Streamify AB becomes live shopping partner for SHOPLINE – Asia’s leading e-commerce platform

By Alexandra

Asia’s leading e-commerce platform, SHOPLINE, aims to reach new market shares in Europe and in connection with this, Streamify AB (“Streamify” or “The Company”) has become a unique supplier of the live shopping platform. SHOPLINE has over 500,000 customers in Asia and over 2000 employees globally.

The partnership opens up large market shares when Streamify’s platform for live shopping, in the form of an add-on module, is offered to SHOPLINE’s existing customer segment of 500,000 Asian and, subsequently, European brands. The Streamify platform will primarily market to Enterprise customers.

Since its inception in 2017, Streamify has worked for a scalable mass market adoption of live shopping. Streamify’s application becomes unique in SHOPLINE’s offering, and with this automatic DIY solution, the two companies take significant steps towards making live shopping easily accessible to more people. As communicated before, Streamify’s ambition is to conduct strategic partnerships to position the company as a mass-market product in a cost-effective way.

"Through the partnership with SHOPLINE, we reach customers of all sizes to create powerful shopping experiences. The self-running solution, which we will launch shortly, means that our teams can continue to focus on tech development and significant brands and simultaneously offer a combination of our live shopping and SHOPLINE’s first-class e-commerce platform. It’s only natural for e-businesses to search for additional functionality with their e-commerce provider" says Johan Klitkou, CEO of Streamify.

SHOPLINE could be described as Asia’s equivalent to Shopify or Woocommerce, the current market leaders in the US and Europe. SHOPLINE offers a cost-effective and proprietary in-house manufactured solution. The collaboration with Streamify will, in the future, result in joint market activities and offers and contribute to increased profitability.

"SHOPLINE has rich social commerce and marketing tools that enable merchants to trade most effectively online. We partner exclusively with apps ahead of the game in their given field. That is why we’ve chosen to align ourselves with Streamify, a disruptive and innovative platform that allows our merchants to provide engaging and holistic content to the consumer. We’ve built a tightly bound integration that allows our merchants to benefit from Streamify’s capabilities through all our services" says David Meakin, Head of Partnerships and Solution Engineering.

The partnership means an opportunity for Streamify to offer its service to SHOPLINE’s regular customer segment and new customers. The collaboration is made possible with the help of Red Dot Live and Marcus King.

About Shopline
With 500,000+ brands and over 2,000 employees worldwide, SHOPLINE is a leader in cross-border selling, payments, marketing, and logistics. Founded in Hong Kong in 2013, key investors to date have included San Francisco-based 500 Startups, Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund, Singapore-based venture capital firm Golden Equator Capital and Hong Kong-based CDIB Capital.

About Streamify
In 2019, the internationally scalable Streamify platform was launched – a unique digital platform that enables anyone to sell products via Live video shopping and pay-per-view tickets through live broadcasts. Streamify’s shares are listed on the Spotlight Stock Market under the abbreviation STREAM, and the share’s ISIN code is SE0015244462. More information is available at and

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Small Business Grants in the UK 2024

By Alexandra

As the wheels of the economy continue to turn, small businesses remain the backbone of the UK's entrepreneurial landscape. However, starting or expanding a small business often comes with financial challenges. In 2023, small business owners in the UK have a valuable lifeline in the form of grants and small business funding. These grants offer a plethora of opportunities to access funds, resources, and expertise, propelling their growth and development. In this blog, we will delve into the world of UK grants for small businesses and how they can be a game-changer for startups and other businesses alike.

Benefits of Grants in Supporting Small Business Growth

By receiving grants, businesses gain enhanced credibility and market positioning, making them more attractive to customers and investors. Moreover, grants encourage innovation and competitiveness, propelling businesses to stay ahead of the curve and drive advancements in their respective industries. Here is a rundown on the common benefits most businesses enjoy when they receive grants.

Financial Support: Grants act as a crucial source of funding for various aspects of a small business, including startup costs, expansions, research, and development. The financial boost they provide can be a lifeline for entrepreneurs looking to transform their ideas into reality.

Access to Resources and Expertise: Beyond financial aid, regional grants in the UK often come with additional benefits, such as access to mentorship, training programs, and networking opportunities. These resources can help business owners enhance their skills and knowledge, positioning them for sustainable success.

Enhanced Credibility and Market Positioning: Being a grant recipient adds credibility to a small business. It signals to customers, investors, and partners that the business has undergone scrutiny and been deemed worthy of support, making it more attractive in the market.

Opportunity for Innovation and Competitiveness: Many grants are specifically designed to foster innovation and competitiveness in different sectors. By encouraging research and development, grants enable businesses to stay ahead of the curve, driving advancements in their industries.

Types of Grants Available in the UK for Small Businesses:

Government Grants and Funding Programs: The UK government, at both national and local levels, offers an array of grants and funding resources for small businesses. These schemes cover various aspects, from initial startup costs to expanding into new markets.

Regional Grants and Initiatives: Local authorities and regional bodies often provide grants tailored to support businesses in specific areas. These grants take into account the unique challenges faced by businesses in different regions, fostering localised economic growth.

Sector-Specific Grants: Some grants are sector-specific, targeting industries like technology, healthcare, agriculture, and more. These initiatives are designed to bolster innovation and growth within particular sectors.

Grants for Research and Development: Encouraging R&D is a priority for many governments, and the UK is no exception. Small businesses engaged in research and innovation can find support through grants focused on advancing technology and knowledge.

Grants for Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, many grants are dedicated to helping small businesses adopt eco-friendly practices, supporting their journey towards becoming environmentally responsible enterprises.

Key Small Business Grant Opportunities and Resources

Specific Grant Opportunities and Resources in 2023

Depending on the kind of business you have, compliance and your needs, you can apply for different grants in the UK.

Government-Backed Grants and Schemes: The UK government offers several notable grant programs aimed at startups and small businesses. These include the Start Up Loan Scheme, Innovate UK grants, and the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS).

Funding for Research and Innovation: For businesses focusing on research and innovation, bodies like the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) provide funding opportunities and grants to drive technological advancements.

Grants for Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Initiatives: Small businesses committed to environmental sustainability can explore grants offered by organisations like the Carbon Trust, which supports businesses in reducing their carbon footprint.

Regional Grants and Initiatives: Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and regional development agencies provide a range of grants designed to uplift businesses in specific areas, addressing local needs and promoting growth.

Business Support Organizations and Platforms: Numerous organisations and online platforms offer valuable information and guidance on available grants, helping small business owners navigate the funding landscape effectively.

Examples of Well-Known Grants in UK for Specific Categories

General Small Business Grants: The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and Small Business Grants UK are popular resources for general grant opportunities tailored to small businesses across various sectors.

Corporate Grants: Some large corporations have grant programs supporting small businesses that align with their values and objectives. It's worth researching grants offered by companies operating in your industry.

Grants for Women-Owned Businesses: Initiatives like the Women's Business Council and grants offered by organisations like NatWest's Back Her Business scheme focus on empowering women entrepreneurs.

Grants for BIPOC-Owned Businesses: Certain organisations prioritise providing financial assistance to businesses owned by individuals from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities, such as the Black Business Growth Fund.

Other Funding for Small Business Owners: In addition to grants, small business owners can explore other funding options like low-interest loans, angel investments, and crowdfunding platforms.

How to Get a Small Business Grant in UK?

Research and Identify Suitable Grants: Thoroughly research available grants and identify those that align with your business's objectives, sector, and location.

Understand Eligibility Criteria and Requirements: Review the eligibility criteria and ensure your business meets all the necessary requirements before proceeding with the application.

Develop a Compelling Grant Proposal: Craft a clear and compelling grant proposal that showcases your business's vision, potential impact, and how the grant will be utilised.

Seek Professional Assistance and Support: If needed, consider seeking assistance from professionals, such as grant writers or business advisors, to enhance your application.

Adhere to Application Deadlines and Follow Up: Missing application deadlines can result in missed opportunities, so mark important dates and submit your application well before the deadline. Additionally, follow up on your application's status if you don't hear back within the expected timeframe.

The world of grants in the UK is ripe with opportunities waiting to be explored. Take charge of your business's growth and innovation by researching and applying for suitable grants today. Remember to visit reputable platforms and organisations for guidance on available grants and the application process.

If you are considering starting an e-commerce platform, the SHOPLINE platform offers a free trial that might just be the boost your business needs. Check it out at Embrace the possibilities that grants bring, and watch your small business soar to new heights!

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Global Selling in a Digital Age: Unpacking SHOPLINE’s Re-Imagine Summit Highlights

By Alexandra

SHOPLINE is recognised as Asia's leading modern commerce platform. Offering an extensive suite of native technologies, resources, and strategic partnerships, SHOPLINE is dedicated to empowering merchants to achieve success. With SHOPLINE, brands and retailers have access to robust omnichannel solutions encompassing ecommerce, social commerce, and point-of-sale.

On 5th October 2023, SHOPLINE held their first Re-Imagine Summit in London. At the summit a variety of topics were discussed from SHOPLINE’s vision to its product roadmap. A notable highlight was the panel discussion that featured industry experts Emma Jones from the DBT Department, Jennifer McCloskey from Google, Imran Khan from Meta, Lucia Pesce from Mastercard, and Pollyanna Ward from Flight Story. Their panel centred around global selling, and here are the key insights:

The Digital Revolution: The Dawn of AI and Social Commerce

We live in a mobile-centric era. Our smartphones aren't just communication devices but gateways to a vast digital universe, transforming how we search, interact, and most importantly, shop.

A key shift in this digital evolution is AI's influence. Meta’s announcement of integrating AI-centric tools into their global ad products highlights this very change. The introduction of the Meta Advantage Suite, an AI-fueled tool, streamlines the entire advertising spectrum, making the process more intuitive for marketers. 

For instance, the Meta Advantage+ Shopping channel has led to:

  • A 32% surge in Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)
  • A 9% boost in cost-effectiveness in app campaigns

The dawn of AI in advertising paints a future where decisions are data-driven, strategies are outcome-focused, and scalability is a given. We transitioned from the age of space-buying – dominated by TV spots and posters – to a more dynamic programmatic era. 

It's not just about reaching the masses anymore; it's about reaching the right individual with the perfect message.

Decoding the Modern Shopper

In today's fast-paced, digitised world, understanding shoppers' expectations is paramount for any brand's success. The shoppers' experience is no longer linear or confined to a single platform – they expect seamless transitions.

“Frictionless shopping” is the key to creating an efficient, smooth, and hassle-free buying experience. This term refers to the streamlining of the buying process to remove any hiccups or barriers that might deter a customer from making a purchase. It's not just about technological integrations like one-click purchases or AI-powered recommendations. It's also about creating holistic experiences that blend the tangible world of brick-and-mortar stores with the convenience of digital shopping. 

Blending the realms of digital and physical offers shoppers the best of both worlds. Dubbed 'phygital experiences' these are not passing fads but the future of retail. With the advancement in AR technology, customers can now virtually "try on" products before purchasing. This blend of physical and digital gives customers a full experience, merging the realness of stores with online convenience.

The Digital Revolution Accelerated by COVID

The Covid-19 pandemic reshaped the landscape of digital commerce. It wasn't just about health and safety, it was also about security, convenience and choice. 

As the digital payment landscape rapidly transforms, Mastercard leans into AI, not just for advancements but as a means to safeguard consumers. With the rise of cyber threats, Mastercard has innovatively employed AI as a protective shield for shoppers. Beyond security, the emphasis is on enhancing the customer's journey, whether it's through accelerated checkouts or seamlessly integrating online and offline shopping experiences like shopping via WhatsApp. 

For businesses, it's not just about catching up anymore, it's about staying ahead. The message is clear: in the future of commerce, consumer-centricity, shaped by the triad of safety, convenience, and choice, reigns supreme.

Lucia Pesce from Mastercard at Re-Imagine Summit 2023

The Power of Short Form Video

The media landscape is continually evolving, and the rise of short-form video stands out. It's not merely a new format; it signifies a shift in how content is consumed and shared, presenting a dynamic mix of entertainment, personal connection, and new ways of discovery. 

Short form video isn't just about watching anymore, it's about participation, and platforms like Instagram’s Reel are at the forefront of this revolution. This format is more than passive consumption – it fosters active engagement, sharing, and personal connections.

Reels has seen its share explode over the last six months:

  • People share about a billion Reels daily via WhatsApp and Messenger. 
  • This surge in popularity means that 20% of time spent on Instagram is now dedicated to Reels with the platform showcasing around 140 billion Reels daily. 

The success stories around Reels are compelling. In some cases, brands have witnessed a 6x to 7x lift in brand recognition. Moreover, sales metrics have shot up by 9x when Reels are in the advertising mix. But it's not just about numbers. Reels ads have been highly performant, contributing to a whopping $3 billion run rate on Instagram and Facebook.

To conclude, SHOPLINE's Re-Imagine Summit shed light on the dynamic landscape of global selling touching on technology, primarily AI, emerging not just as a facilitator but as a revolutionary force. As brands try to navigate this rather complex terrain, the future is fairly clear – we need to understand the ever-evolving consumer, harness the power of emerging formats like short-form videos, and deliver seamless, enriched shopping experiences.

At SHOPLINE, we're honoured to play a role in the AI-driven transformation of the e-commerce sector. We take pride in empowering our local sellers by enhancing their business revenue with our intuitive and scalable solutions. The next era of e-commerce has arrived, and we stand prepared and excited for what's to come.

SHOPLINE Team at Re-Imagine Summit 2023

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